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The author(s) are required to pay for the Proof reading of the article.
The author(s) submitting an article to the IJERE journal are required to pay a fee for the Proof reading , regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition.
Refunds will not be given to the author(s) of the articles that are not accepted (rejected) to be published at the end of the review process by the referees.

The author(s) are required to pay to be used in the Proof reading, Web hosting, doi transactions, evaluation process processes, typesetting-graphic-design.
Proofreading has been required for the articles. The authors of the manuscripts that have accepted to publish must have proofreading after all editorial, and peer review processes have been completed.
You can choose one of the websites listed below.
IJERE Journal Association (ijereproof@gmail.com)

International Journal of Educational Research Review (ISSN:2458-9322)
International Journal of Educational Research Review publishes scholarly articles that are of general significance to the education research community and that come from a wide range of areas. The International Journal of Educational Research Review aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education. Articles focus upon concepts, research, review and practices that emphasizes the intersections between education research and other fields, raises new questions, and develops innovative approaches to our understandings of pressing issues.
The range of topics covered in the International Journal of Educational Research Review include; read full aims and scope; https://www.ijere.com/page/journal-scopes
Peer Review Policy: All articles in this journal will undergo initial editor screening, rigorous double-anonymous peer review, and review by the editorial board.
Double-blind peer review
International Journal of Educational Research Review follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. This means that the author will remain anonymous to the reviewers throughout peer review. It is the responsibility of the author to anonymize the manuscript and any associated materials. read full Peer Review Policy; https://www.ijere.com/page/peer-review-policy
Ownership and management
IJERE journal is hosted by Dergipark/Tubitak. IJERE Journal is published with the support of Sakarya University Faculty of Education/TURKEY.
Governing body
Editor in Chief
Dr. Serhat Arslan, Gazi University, serhatarslan@gazi.edu.tr ,  Turkey
read full Governing body /Ownership and management/ Editorial board member ; https://www.ijere.com/page/editorial-board
Copyright and licensing
Copyright Statement
Copyright violation is an important, and possibly related, ethical issue. Authors should check their manuscripts for possible breaches of copyright law (e.g., where permissions are needed for quotations, artwork or tables taken from other publications or from other freely available sources on the Internet) and secure the necessary permissions before submission to International Journal of Educational Research Review.
read full Copyright and licensing; https://www.ijere.com/page/copyright-and-licensing-open-access-statement