Writing Rules


The language of the journal is English.

Manuscript Organization and Submission

 The articles submitted for publication in the journal are required not to have been published or not to have been sent for publishing.

 WRITING AREA: Articles need to be written in Microsoft Word program. A4 should be selected as the paper type. Page layout (margins) for sections should be set as "top: 2 cm", "bottom: 2 cm", "right: 1.5 cm", "left: 2 cm", "indent-left: 0 cm' "indent-left: 0 cm" "special: none". Abstract, introduction, figures, tables, references, and notes must not exceed 35 pages in total.

SPELLING CHARACTERS: The font should be set as "Times New Roman" and the font size should be set as"11 points". 'Single line spacing' should be used as line spacing. 6 nk (inches) should be left between the paragraphs (before-after). No additional blank lines should be left between paragraphs except those spaces in question.

In the text, a character range (space) must be left after the comma and dots (punctuation marks). The articles should be written in paragraphs and as "justified".

MAIN TITLE: The article title should be written in bold, left-justified and 15 point font. The first letters of the words used should be written in upper case, and the others in lower case.

The first letter of the words in the English title must be capitalized and the other letters must be small. English title should be in italic, normal color (not dark), left justified and 12 points.

AUTHOR INFIRMATION: After the English title (on the bottom line), the author's Name and Surname should be written in bold, Times New Roman font and 10 point font, left justified, without leaving a line space. It is required to write to the next line the academic title, the institution and the e-mail address of the author in full and clearly, in a normal color (not dark), Italic, and 10 point font, left justified. If there is more than one author, the other authors should also be added in the same way. Author information should not be additionally marked with a footnote.

MAIN SECTIONS: The article text should be divided into the sections of "ABSTRACT", "ABSTRACT", "INTRODUCTION", Text, "CONCLUSION" and "BIBLIOGRAPHY". Main sections should be written in 11 points, bold, capital letters and left-justified. All main titles except REFERENCES should be numbered starting from 1 in order.

TURKISH SUMMARY AND ABSTRACT: The abstract should be between 120 and 250 words in "Turkish". There should be at least 3 and at most 5 "keywords" appropriate to the content at the end of the abstract. Abstract(summary) part of the Abstract should be prepared as "English" translation of Turkish summary text and key words. The words "ABSTRACT (summary)" and "ABSTRACT", which are the titles of these sections, should be written in capital letters, bold, with "6 nk" paragraph spaces before and after paragraphs. Turkish and English abstract sections should be prepared with a 3.5 paragraph indent, justified and 9 points with their titles. In addition, it is necessary to write at least 2 at most 4 JEL codes.

TEXT: The language used in article should be clear, understandable and fluent. The text must comply with the Turkish Language Association's spelling rules. In application-based studies, the "subject, purpose, importance of the research", Methodology of the research (universe, sampling, scales, data collection method and tools, constraints, data analysis techniques), " literature review "and" findings" should be included in the "text" section.

OTHER TITLES (SECTION TITLES): Numbers must be given from the entry in title numbers. Title and subtitles should be numbered. All chapter titles must be in the first line setting and in the following order:
1- TITLE: (All letters are uppercase and all are bold - 11 points)
1.1 title: (Words are justified, bold(dark), and only the first letters are capitalized-11 points)
1.1.1 title: (Words are justified, bold(dark), and only the first letters are capitalized-11 points)

TABLES AND FIGURES: All tables, figures and graphs within the study sections should be shown as centered on the page consecutively numbered in the appropriate places of the text. Each table, figure, or graphic should be given a title. The title should be on top of the table, figure or graphic, centered on the page and the table, with only the initials of the words capitalized and 11 points. The text in the table, figure, and graphic should be within the range of 8-11 points. The table, figure or graph should be easily readable and should be placed on the page appropriately in accordance with the page structure given above (not exceeding the page margins). A bibliography should be added just below the figures and tables.

SHOWING REFERENCE (CITATION): It is imperative to comply with the principles of citation (scientific citation rules) in the study. All responsibilities in this respect are owned by authors / authors. References should be made in accordance with APA standards by opening parentheses, giving the date and Page Number in the text. Additional explanations should be displayed at the bottom of the page using the footnote method.

Single Author: xxx (Doğan, 2022: 289).
Two Authors: xxx (Mecek and Doğan, 2015: 214).
Three or more Authors: xxx (Doğan et al., 2022: 325).

REFERENCES: All references should be included in the bibliography section. The resources used should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author and together without making distinction of qualifications (thesis, book, article, report, etc.). The works of the same author should be placed in the bibliography starting with the “oldest date”. Legislation and official gazettes should be grouped under the same rules at the bottom of the bibliography and given separately.

Büşra, A. Y. A. N., & Abacıoglu, S. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of the MCDM methods in the last decade: WASPAS, MABAC, EDAS, CODAS, COCOSO, and MARCOS.   International Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 4(2), 65-85.

Kabote, S. J., & Tunguhole, J. (2022). Determinants of clove exports in Zanzibar: Implications for policy. International Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 4(2), 127-1  47.

Mohammed, A., & Aksoy, T. (2020). Measuring the effectiveness of internal control systems of Ghanaian listed banks considering control environment, risk assessment      and monitoring activities components of COSO’s framework. In 32nd EBES Conference, 5-7 August 2020. EBES Publications.

Dogan, M., & Turhan-Sayan, G. (2017, October). Investigation of the effects of buried object orientation in subsurface target detection by GPR. In 2017 7th IEEE International  Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies (MAPE) (pp. 475-479). IEEE.

Majumdar, S. (2015). Analysis of factors influencing consumer preferences for green cosmetic and food products: A study in and around Kolkata (West Bengal, India)      (Doctoral Thesis). ICFAI University, Jharkhand, India.

Siaw, M. W. (2022). The effect of board characteristics on firm financial performance of listed companies in Hong Kong (Doctoral dissertation, University of Wales Trinity Saint David).

Gourieroux, C., & Jasiak, J. (2022). Financial econometrics: Problems, models, and methods (Vol. 2). Princeton University Press.

Gujarati, D. N. (2022). Basic econometrics. Prentice Hall.

Yüksel, S., Dinçer, H., & Uluer, G. S. (2020). The role of technological development on renewable energy usage: An econometric analysis for G7 countries. In Handbook of research on sustainable supply chain management for the global economy (pp. 136-153). IGI Global.

Note: General considerations adopted in scientific writings should be taken into account in cases not specified in the writing.

SUBMISSION OF THE STUDY: The studies should be uploaded as Word document to the "Submit articles" section of the International Journal of Business and Economic Studies (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/uiecd) in the DergiPark website. Processes are monitored through the system. Thank you for your interest, contribution and support to our journal .

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