Writing Rules

1. The text of the articles must be prepared in accordance with the Journal Article Template. The text of the book reviews should be prepared according to the SLJ Book Review Template. Grammar rules must be complied with in the articles.

2. Scientific studies submitted to the journal for publication must be in the fields of public law, private law and financial law and must not have been previously sent for publication elsewhere.

3. In the articles to be sent to the journal, only the First Letter should be Capitalized, "Abstract" and "Keywords" should be included in English, and Only the First Letters of the words in the keywords should also be Capitalized and separated from each other with commas (see also Journal Article Template)

4. Indented paragraphs should not be included in the text, all paragraphs should be left aligned.

5. In the articles to be submitted to the journal, the author's name should be given under the title of the article on the first page, the academic title, the university, faculty and department where the author is working, the author's institutional e-mail address and ORCID number should be included respectively, formed with the symbol ( * ) next to the name (see also Journal Article Template).

6. The text of the article should be written in Cambria font and 11 pt font, 1.15 line spaced and justified. Introduction and Conclusion should not be numbered (see also Journal Article Template)

7. The heading symbols to be used in the articles should be created as shown below, respectively.



1. Third Degree Subchapter (1, 2)

a. Fourth Degree Subchapter (a, b)

AA. Fifth Degree Subchapter (aa, bb)

ah. Sixth Degree Subchapter (aaa, bbb)

aaa. Seventh-Degree chapter (aaaa, bbbb)

8. References in the text regarding the sources used should be given as footnotes at the end of each page. Footnotes should be written in Cambria font, 9 pt, 1 line spaced and justified. Footnotes should be added to the end of the relevant page as sequential numbers. Citations in articles should be made in accordance with the ISNAD 2nd Edition citation system. For examples of citations, the ISNAD 2nd Edition-Annotated Online Manual should be viewed at https://www.isnadsistemi.org/en/guide/isnad2-2/isnad-author-title-system/  (Valid for articles submitted after 1 July 2022.)

9. At the end of the article, there should be a bibliography (references) in which the sources used in the article are listed according to the ISNAD 2. Edition (Author-Title System) (https://www.isnadsistemi.org/en/guide/isnad2-2/isnad-author-title-system/)

10.  Articles to be submitted for publication must include an English abstract of at least 100 and at most 250 words and an Extended Abstract of 750-1000 words.. The articles are also required to include an English title and not less than 5 keywords in English (see also Journal Article Template).

Last Update Time: 4/16/24, 8:29:43 PM


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