ISSN: 1019-1941
e-ISSN: 1309-9469
Founded: 1988
Publisher: Marmara University
Cover Image

The Marmara Medical Journal (MarmaraMedJ), first published in 1988, is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, academic publication of the  Marmara University, School of Medicine. The journal covers advances in medicine and novel treatments for an audience of general practitioners, medical students, and senior practitioners and specialists.
Original research papers, case reports, reviews, articles about clinical and practical applications and editorials, short reports, letters to the editor, and occasionally a photo quiz are published in English, only. Three issues are published annually.

Archive of full-text articles can be found at:

Please feel free to contact the editor-in-chief or the magazine editorial team for urgent matters related to the transfer of your article.

2023 - Volume: 36 Issue: 2


16. Crohn’s disease: Etiology, pathogenesis and treatment strategies

Research Article

1. An effective and practical tool to assess physical frailty in older adults: Turkish validation of the FRAIL Scale

Research Article

3. Morphological and biochemical evaluation of effects of Myrtus communis L. extract on heart and aorta in high fat-diet-induced obese rats

Research Article

5. Increased D-dimer is associated with disease progression and increased mortality in Turkish COVID-19 patients

Research Article

6. The factors affecting the quality of life among women during the postpartum period

Research Article

7. Is neurofibromatosis type 1 diagnosed in every patient who presents with café au lait macules? A single-center experience

Research Article

8. T1 relaxation time in the evaluation of liver fibrosis; with native MR relaxometry

Research Article

10. Incidental findings detected on magnetic resonance imaging scans of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine of patients prediagnosed with discopathy

Research Article

11. Healing effects of L-carnitine on experimental colon anastomosis wound

Research Article

12. Formation and branching patterns of deep palmar arch

Research Article

16. How does an additional insulin dose for a high-fat, high-protein breakfast affect glysemic response in adolescents with type 1 diabetes?